Tuesday, January 26, 2010

these are a few of my favorite things


These are a few of my favorite things!

I originally started this blog to post the

tips and tricks

that have worked for me when it comes to creating a

less chaotic life for my family and I.

I also wanted a record to pass on to my kids that could help them

as they become independent and self sufficient.

(the goal is that one day they do become self sufficient-right?)

Up to this point I have been too shy to share my ideas,

but I decided it is time to put on

my big girl panties

and make my positive contribution to the blogging world.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

bounitful crew

Look at us now!

9 best friends
married 9 girls
(who became dear friends)
the result
28 kids and counting?
Thank you for good times
and great memories.