Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hershey Bar

Ryker- "Did you know that my friend can not have
brownies or chocolate chip cookies?!?!?
He is allergic or something."

Isabelle- "You mean to tell me he has never experienced
the delightful taste of a Hershey bar?!?!"
(said with a look of pure sympathy for the kid)


  1. That's hilarious! The funny thing is that I can totally picture YOU saying the same thing.

  2. ahhhh why is she the best ever?! sadly, my son has that same allergy. tell her that's why he smells so bad all the time. so not to hate him for it...have sympathy for the kid instead!!

    "and this is not for sharing."

  3. That would be HORRIBLE. Isabelle I love ya!
