Thursday, February 18, 2010

brights-beautiful inside and out!

*Happy Birthday Brighton*

You are Loved!

Beautiful Bride

My favorite story about Brighton is how she thought she had kidney cancer and then 10 minutes later had lung cancer and then 10 minutes later had brain cancer. "Brace Face"

Some of my favorite things about Brighton is that she looks just like Coraline. And she has cute little freckles and a sweet smile, even with the braces! Happy Birthday ♥ ♥ ♥ ;)

Scattegories, terms of endearment (Wink, wink). Welcome to the family!

No really-the first time I met Brighton I said to myself "please let this be the girl, I am in love with her." Then a few weeks later I called Tanner and told him if he didn't marry her than I was going to! I love her laugh and how she seems so fresh and, ummmm BRIGHT! Brighton you are such a fun, beautiful addition to our lives. Thanks for sharing your amazing energy! Love you!

Hunter -
she loves spaghetti and sleeping in!

I would say that I love Brighton's knack for cooking and how she is always willing to answer my questions.

Brighton has a contagious smile that I love and I have always loved her love of learning.

(John is out of town but I know he loves lots of things about her, too)

brighton. i love your tiny little body. and your fashion sense. and how adorable you look
in braces. and that you are pickier with food than i am. and how you are being a domestic
little wife. and of course, that beautiful ring of yours. and the fact that you told me first
that you and tanner were getting married. yessss! and then how perfect you and tanner
are together. jack and sally. you are a perfect fit in our family. i love you!!!

She is so sweet and perfect for Tanner.

brighton is the best thing that has happened to me she is my best friend. I love that i can be myself with her. One of my favorite things about her is the fact that she makes me laugh all of the time. Thanks for changing my life. I love you!

the day i knew brighton was going to be in the family i walked in on her going to the bathroom. and ever since then i've had this love for her that runs deeper then roots of a willow tree. one of the many things i like about her is that she is the SWEETEST, most NICE, and BEAUTIFUL person i could ever have in my life. thank you for being such a lovely sister and friend to me brights. i love you more then you know. happy birthday.

Oh our cute Brighton, we are so happy you are in our family. I love she introduced me to the best chocolate store on the PLANET right there in good old Ames. My favorite story was how she shared her wedding day with Isabelle. Isabelle was 2 steps away from you all day. She was so happy to be by you. You are darling. Good day for the Capuas when Tan found you!

I love that Brighton has always seemed comfortable with us. I remember the first day she came to the house with Tannner. Her smile was big, cute, and warm. I look forward to seeing that every week when they come to dinner on Sunday. Tanner has become a better man because of you.

my most favorite thing about brighton is her scared face. i was already in love with this girl but when she showed me that face, i died! my love for her grew by leaps and bounds! This girl has everything including impeccable style, amazing creativity, fabulous personality, & super dangerous smarts! love you girl! Have a happy happy birthday & come visit we miss you!!

Brighton you are the best sister-in-law in the world! I like that now when ever I see a floral blouse I think of you. I love that your hair dresser shaved your cowlick. Thanks for being the first to come see Gus and always coming down to visit. I'm so happy you are part of our family and you are so amazing to Tanner. Love you Brighton. Oh and I love that you are the corpse bride couple.

Isabelle- I love that Brighton is my new aunt and she is so swet and funny! Happy birthday, I hope it is a wonderful one! =)

ooooo pretty! i wanna see more.

Thank you for being a part of our family!


  1. ohhhhh brightsy! i love this post. it makes me need to be with her right now. love you brighton. happy birthday!!! xo

  2. Aww!!! Thanks! I do love sleeping in which is why I'm reading this right now, Hunter you know me too well. Thanks, everyone, I really do feel so loved!
    p.s. I think I'm on Tanner's account, but this is me.

  3. gosh i'm so happy your blog is fixed. arrrgh that crazy bookshelf!!
